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        Can our work order app solve your field service challenges?

        Werkbon applicatie stapel papieren

        Stephen is service engineer at an installation company. He picks up his work orders every day at 7 a.m. at the office, loads up his van and hits the road. The completes his work orders one by one, fills them out and let the customer sign them. At the end of every day he turns his signed work orders in to Ben at the backoffice.

        Ben checks them carefully, because a mistake is easily made. Luckily Stephen’s work orders are easy to read, in comparison to the incomplete and illegible handwriting that he faces often. Or worse, many work orders go missing in the process. After checking them he manually submits them to the accounting system and sends the invoices out.

        Sounds familiar?

        Then you are well aware of the fact that unsigned, incomplete and missing work orders lead to problems and delays in the invoicing process. In addition they increase the chance of error when Ben needs to manually copy the contents. There must be another way to do this, right?

        Digital work orders as part of the work order app

        What would happen if Ben would create the work order digitally, add the neccessary information to it and dispatch it to Stephen? Then Stephen would not have to drive all the way to the office anymore. He could hit the road immediately with only his tablet or laptop instead of a bunch of papers. When the job is done he can let his client sign the work order digitally. The customer would then automatically receive the invoice as a PDF document. This way, the invoicing process is already started before Stephen sits behinds his wheel again. Thanks to the work order app, Stephen always has the right information at hand, and it saves Ben a whole lot of time. And incomplete or lost work orders and illegible handwriting? They belong to the past.

        Optimize your service process

        Do you want to know how a work order app can optimize your service process? Contact us via  +31 20 26 111 00 or send us an e-mail.

        About the author