way of working
feedback from customers
- Asset management
- Checklist
- Customer Portal
- Multinational
- Manufacturing
- Medical
- Exact Globe
- Lots of paper
- Manual creation of reports for customers
- Checklists in Excel
- Advanced Checklists
- Customer portal
- Integration with Globe
- A growth of 600%
- Customer satisfaction of 8
- No paper
- Automated back office
United Care focuses on the innovative development of transfer tools for healthcare and welfare organizations. We also look for suitable solutions aimed at maintaining independent living, living and working for people with reduced mobility. We base this on the capabilities of our customers and not their limitations.
Previous Challenge
Paper, paper, and more paper. Martijn explains the situation for us: ‘At the office, assignments were typed into a standard form. Then the form was printed out and scanned, to be mailed to the mechanics. They had to print out the form at home and write down their work. After the work day, all forms had to be scanned separately and mailed back. Administration printed out all those forms (50 or so) and went through everything by hand. The working day always started and ended with a big pile of papers.”
This working method resulted in lost papers, unclear scans and illegible handwriting. It became increasingly clear that structure and overview were needed in their processes.
Digitalization with the help of FieldBuddy allowed them to invest time in developing faster reports for the customer. The reports are now received digitally via FieldBuddy. They can make a list of which report has something going on and what the office staff needs to do something about. ”Now we no longer have to open all 600 Excel reports one by one. Working with FieldBuddy’s new checklists saves us a lot of work, ” Martijn adds.
Planning a work order within 10 seconds saves us a lot of time
Projectmanager Installation & Service at United Care
The implementation
United Care was already using an online program to register their installations. All those installations (+/- 22,000) had to be transferred to FieldBuddy. That was the beginning of digitalization for United Care. ”It was a big job. Fortunately we got help from a FieldBuddy consultant” says Martijn.
Once all the installations were registered, they started looking at the work orders. How do you make a work order? And how do you plan it for your mechanic? Were questions that came across. “When the implementation was ready, we followed training sessions by the FieldBuddy consultant with the whole team to ensure a good start” says Martijn.
Employees of United Care can create a work order within 10 seconds. No paper is used anymore! United Care saves time, which they can invest in the further development of the company. They have grown tremendously in recent years, partly thanks to FieldBuddy.
The collaboration
The cooperation between United Care and FieldBuddy is excellent: ”We really benefit from each other’s feedback and support, we really help each other out. FieldBuddy helps us grow and develop, we help them by giving feedback. That interaction works great.
Jointly developed a new feature
The new feature: location-based work order helps United Care works more efficiently. This ensures that one work order can be created for a location with multiple installations.
Positive feedback
United Care now has a customer portal where their own customers can log in and view reports. Receiving the reports digitally is much faster than before and it’s a lot clearer.
We can handle our growth through digitalization and the added value of FieldBuddy
Project Manager Installation & Service at United Care
Advanced Checklist
Before FieldBuddy, United Care could take weeks to deliver an inspection report to the customer. Sometimes even months. The engineer would make a separate Excel form for each installation. Then the administration would receive an e-mail with 600 separate Excel files. The reports were printed out one by one and put in a folder. The customer then received a folder with 600 inspection forms. ”We thought: we can do things differently with the help of FieldBuddy”, says Martijn.
By digitising with the help of FieldBuddy they were able to invest time in developing faster reports for the customer. The reports now come in digitally through FieldBuddy. They can create a framing that shows with which report something is going on and where the inside sales force needs to do something with. ”Now we no longer have to open all 600 Excel reports one by one. Working with the new checklists from FieldBuddy saves us a lot of work!”, adds Martijn.

A look to the future
The future looks bright for United Care. Martijn has his own project overview hanging above his desk. This is valid until the end of 2022 and counts 6 projects. ”I have written down exactly what I want to do with FieldBuddy. A lot is possible with it that will benefit us a lot.” One example of such a project is the checklist. They also want to implement it in their factories. At the moment they still work with paper checklists. There you have it again: paper! Martijn explains: ”There are still plenty of challenges we want to tackle with FieldBuddy. End of the year and then I look at my project overview on the left and I see what we still have to do. We are far from finished with FieldBuddy!”